Now Gothic names and Wiccan names are becoming popular what do you think about these?
Acheron, Alabaster, Amaranth, Argent, Ashes, Autumn, Abyss, Aura
Babylon, Belladonna, Blade, Bliss, Blue, Brink, Battle
Calamity, Chalice, Chaos, Chapel, Cinder, Crimson, Cyan, Century
December, Drachen, Drakkar, Draven, Dream, Dred, Dusk, Draegan
Ebony, Echo, Eclipse, Edge, Ember, Enigma, Essence, Eternity, Eventide
Fate, February, Forest, Forever, Friday, Frost
Garnet, Glacier, Glimmer, Gossamer, Gotham, Grail, Granite, Grey, Gusty
Hades, Hail, Halo, Haven
Icy, Imperia, Infinity, Innocent, Ivory, Ivy, Illusion
January, Jett, Jezebel, Jinx, Journey
Kaige, Kandyl, Kindle, Kindred
Labyrinth, Lace, Layre, Lazarus, Legacy, Legend, Leviathan, Lithia, Locke, London, Lore, Lucifer, Lucretia, Luna, Lynk, Lullaby
Maleficent, Mayze, Memory, Mercy, Midnight, Mink, Mirage, Mist, Monday, Morrow, Mystery, Myth
Nebula, Noire, November, Nightshade
Obsidian, October, Omen, Onyx
Pandora, Panther, Pardon, Parrish, Payne, Pentecost, Peregrine, Prysm
Rain, Ransom, Rapture, Rave, Raven, Refuge, Remember, Requiem, Rogue, Rosary
Sabbath, Sable, Sabre, Salem, Salvation, Satin, Scarlet, Seraphim, Shadow, Shayde, Siberia, Silence, Silver, Smoky, Snow, Solitude, Solstice, Spirit, Steele, Stone, Storm, Stryker, Sunday
Talon, Tempest, Temple, Thorne, Thunder, Trilogy, Trinket, Tsunami, Tuesday, Twilight, Tranqility
Vail, Velvet
Whisper, Willow, Winter, Wish, Wolf
Zaphara, Zen, Zephyr, Zillah, Zima, Zurie
What do you think of these GOTHIC names?
I wonder what makes them considered Gothic. I mean, with some of them it's obvious..but others, like Autumn, London, etc. don't strike me as particularly Goth.
Reply:honestly, i read through the list, and i am not a fan of any of them. If you are going to name your child that, please first think about the torment and the bullying the child will go through when it reaches school age, i can think of a thousand hateful names that can come from Ashes, Icy, and Hades. I am not bashing your believes if you are a wiccan, but just think of what your son or daughter will go through if s/he is named that...
Reply:o.k names:
Jett, Jezebel
Reply:What? Remember? Innocent? Halo? Friday? Forever? February? Gotham? Are you freakin kidding me? Gimme a break! Did you made this up? None of them is Gothic names. What the hell are you talking about? Dracus, Necrolai, and Darkonda are the real Gothic names.
Reply:None of them really look like names, they all just look like'd be like naming a kid "lamp".
The only ones I like in there for names are Draven and Willow. I've actually always really liked the name Draven ever since I saw The Crow :P
Reply:There are a few kool name in there.... for a boy.... Blade,Grey,How bout Drake?, Talon,Jett...
For a girl...Autumn, Aura,Chalice,Ember,Lace,Rain, Rogue, Zima, Zurie....
Good luck with whatever you have!!! Boy or Girl...
Reply:There are only a handfull on there that are actually names the others are all just words...somebody was trying to hard to put this list together.
And there's no such thing as a "gothic" name...names are names, people are people
Reply:I like some of them, maybe not for children, but for characters: Autumn, Aura (and Aurora too), Bliss, Blue, Cyan, December, Drakkar...
Reply:Their very unique, if your that kind of person that dosn't want any old regular names, these would be perfect your you. Now you just have to choose one... I like Autumn and Zurie.
Reply:some actually sound nice like Willow, January, Spirit (although a bit hippy sounding),Garnet is actually a girls name, its a red jewel.
Reply:some of the names are not GOTHIC some are actuall y really cute names like
Reply:I can't help but wonder *your* name... Then again, I don't really care... We get it: you're bored, and you're judgmental. *yawn*
Reply:Most of them just sound like regular names (though some are nice and some are not) - what makes them "goth" ?
Reply:Any child with any of those names is going to get their lunch money taken... it's a form of child abuse to give your child a stupid name like that.
Reply:Not alot to be really honest. Try some of the celtic names they are quite nice.
Reply:I can't be bothered to read the whole list, but the ones I have read are horrible.....
Tsunami?? Really?
Reply:How bitter are you? I like traditional names too, but we get your point. Jeez.
Reply:Wow! That's a long list of very mysterious and interesting names - I shall offer my views on one or two from each set.
I love "Aura" for its connotations and spiritual meaning - it seems a very positive choice to me. Autumn is becomming more popular nowadays but I much prefer it to "Summer" or even the most recently trendy "Winter".
Babylon and Battle verge on the side of being ridiculous as baby names to me but I do like "Blade" for a little boy - possibly as a middle name.
Calamity is rather unfortunate and suggests to me 'disaster' or 'accident' as its use in the English language. I would avoid!! Chalys and Cyan work best on this list.
Personally, I do not see baby name potential in any of the "D" choices there.
Ebony, Ember and Essence are all pretty in their own right, my favourite perhaps being "Essence". It looks lovely and flows wonderfully when read aloud.
Garnet from your "G" list may work at a push, but I would avoid Gotham and Gusty personally!
Kandyl is a pretty name in theory - but when spoken reminds me of the object - a candle - every time I say it.
Lacey has always been a popular girl's name, Lucifer has great connotations with the Devil in most societies and "Lore" is quite fascinating ... :]
Mercy may be mistaken for a nickname to Mercedes - just a head's up here.
Noire is pretty and mysterious - a lovely choice - perhaps my favourite so far from all of them!
Pandora is a little 'too much' whereas "Pardon and Pentecost" seem a little far-fetched. The ideas behind these are imaginiative though.
Solstice may work well for a little girl, as may Willow which I think is very pretty whilst remaining practical.
Reply:Names are one of the first impressions someone has of humans. In business it is what goes on your card. You shake a hand and introduce yourself as (my name is) It goes on every application on line one. With that in mind pick a name that may truly be Gothic and at the same time appreciated by the public at large. Forest, Autumn, Jett, Grey, Payne. These names are from you list and still very acceptable to the general public. Stay true to yourself but always add some common sense.
Reply:Taken all together, they do sound pretty gothic, but in isolation there are quite a few names that would work well. I would avoid giving a child a name with a generally negative or extremely dark association -- non-gothic people may not respond so well to a child named "Calamity" or "Hades."
Still, here are some that I think could work:
The nature names:
Belladonna, Forest, Ivy, Luna, Rain, Snow, Willow, Ember, Talon, Stone, Steele, Blade, Granite
The color names:
Cyan, Jett, Silver, Noire, Ivory, Garnet, Grey, Blue, Scarlet
The calendar names:
January, February, October, November, December, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Autumn, Winter, Solstice
The "positive" names:
Aura, Tranquility, Mercy, Lore, Journey, Bliss, Fate, Echo, Essence, Haven, Kindred
Reply:there are quite a few of them i like acutally :) name in particular i like is DAMIEN...not sure where it originated from but i love it :) i had decided if i was going to have a boy i was going to name him damien blui (blui pronounced like the color)...(and for anyone out there who says its a name for satan or satans son, are so wrong some people say its the devils name and i say they watch to much of the omen series...) im sorry but this is just my opinion...
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gothic names? I like Abbey, Rose, Selene, Belle, Melanthe, Eve, Freya, Zephie, Duffy, Maria, Demetria, Rubi, Laila, Ilya, Guwel, Valentine, Jade, Xookie, Crisenia... Is that good?